Blender System Console Controler
[UPDATE INFO] Support for 4.3
[UPDATE INFO] Installer and Uninstaller are included.
[UPDATE INFO] Pro Version is published:Blender System Console Controler Pro - Blender Market
This a Blender Add-on for System Console.
NOTE: Window Platform Only.
(1) Always On the top feature
(2) Define the position and size of the system console
(3) Auto save user's settings
How to install:
- Extra File to D:/
- The Source path is:
[3.0] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_3
[3.1.2] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_3_1_2
[3.6] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_3_6
[4.0] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_4_0
[4.1] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_4_1
[4.2] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_4_2
[4.3] D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_4_3 - Go to D:/maz_consoleControlPanel_X and open installer.txt
- In installer.txt, please press a hotkey, Ctrl+A, to select all content.
- Press a hotky, Ctrl + C, to copy all content.
- Open Blender
- Click the tab "Scripting" on the top of the Blender.
- Click Text > New to create a new text file
- Press a hotkey, Ctrl + V, to paste the code
- Click the Run Script Button. (which is a white triangle)
- If no error, the installation succeeds.
- You can execute bpy.types.MAZ_PT_console_panel.showMessageBox() in python console to test the add-on. A message dialog will pop up.
How to use:
[1] Press a hotkey,
[Blender] n
[Blender 4.x] n
[Industry Compatible] Ctrl + ]
, to show the side bar
[2] Click the tab "console".
[3] You will see the interface.
How to append a hotkey:
[1] Click Edit > Preferences
[2] Click keyMap
[3] Click "Add New" under the Wndow item.
[4] Copy the command:
[5] Paste into the field.
[6] Now, you can define a hotky for it. Set the action with "toggle console". In this case, I use the hotkey, Ctrl + End.
(a) Toggle Console >> Show/Hide System Console
(b) Position X >> Define the X position of the console
(c) Position Y >> Define the Y position of the console
(d) Width >> Define the width of the console
(e) Height>> Define the height of the console
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